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BDK English Tripiṭaka

データ種別 図書
出版者 Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research
本文言語 und


1 Esoteric texts Moraga, Calif. : Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America , 2015
2 . 1st ser. ; 74-4 The Baizhang Zen monastic regulations (Taishō volume 48, number 2025) / translated from the Chinese by Shohei Ichimura Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2006
3 Shōbōgenzō = The true Dharma-eye treasury : (Taishō volume 82, number 2582) / [by Dōgen] ; translated from the Japanese by Gudo Wafu Nishijima and Chodo Cross v. 1 - v. 4. - Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2007-
4 The sutra on the concentration of sitting meditation : (Taishō volume 15, number 614) / translated from the Chinese of Kumārajīva by Nobuyoshi Yamabe and Fumihiko Sueki Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2009
5 Buddhacarita in praise of Buddha's acts (Taishō volume 4, number 192) / translated from the Chinese by Charles Willemen Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2009
6 Prince Shōtoku's commentary on the Śrīmālā Sutra (Taishō volume 56, number 2185) / translated from the Chinese by Mark W. Dennis Berkeley, Calif. : Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America , 2011
7 Expository commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra (Taishō volume 56, number 2186) / translated from the Chinese by Jamie Hubbard Berkeley, Calif. : Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America , 2012
8 Tiantai lotus texts Berkeley, Calif. : Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America , 2013
9 The madhyama āgama (middle-length discourses) (Taishō volume 2, number 26) / Marcus Bingenheimer, editor in chief ; Bhikkhu Anālayo and Roderick S. Bucknell, co-editors v. 1. - Berkeley, Calif. : Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America , 2013
10 The Nirvana Sutra (Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra) (Taishō volume 12, number 374) / translated from the Chinese by Mark L. Blum v. 1. - Berkeley, Calif. : Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America , 2013
11 10-1 The storehouse of sundry valuables / translated from the Chinese of Kikkāya and Liu Hsiao-piao (compiled by T'an-yao) (Taishō, volume 4, number 203) by Charles Willemen Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1994
12 10-2 The scriptural text : verses of the doctrine, with parables / translated from the Chinese of Fa-li and Fa-chü (Taishō volume 4, number 211) by Charles Willemen Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1999
13 12-2, 3, 4 . The three pure land sutras The larger sutra on Amitāyus : the sutra on the Buddha of infinite life (Taishō, volume 12, number 360) . The sutra on contemplation of Amitāyus : the sutra on visualization of the Buddha of infinite life (Taishō, volume 12, number 365) . The smaller sutra on Amitāyus : the sutra on Amitāyus Buddha (Taishō, volume 12, number 366) / by Inagaki Hisao ; in collaboration with Harold Stewart Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1995
14 13-1 The Lotus sutra / translated from the Chinese of Kumārajīva (Taishō, volume 9, number 262) by Kubo Tsugunari and Yuyama Akira Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1993
15 20-1, 26-1 The sutra of queen Śrīmālā of the lion's roar / translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 12, number 353) by Diana Y. Paul . The vimalakīrti sutra / translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 14, number 475) by John R. McRae Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2004
16 25-2, 3 The Pratyutpanna samādhi sutra / translated by Lokakṣema ; translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 13, number 418) by Paul Harrison . The Śūraṅgama samādhi sutra / translated by Kumārajīva ; translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 15, number 642) by John McRae Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1998
17 25-4 The scripture on the explication of underlying meaning / translated from the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang (Taishō volume 16, number 676) by John P. Keenan Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2000
18 25-1, 25-5, 25-6, 29-1, 104-6 Apocryphal scriptures Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2005
19 29-2, 30-2 Two esoteric sutras / translated from the Chinese by Rolf W. Giebel Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2001
20 30-1 The Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi Sutra / translated from the Chinese (Taishō Volume 18, Number 848) by Rolf W. Giebel Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2005
21 45-2 The sutra on Upāsaka precepts / translated from the Chinese of Dharmarakṣa (Taishō, volume 24, number 1488) by Shih Heng-ching Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1994
22 46-2 The interpretation of the Buddha land / by Bandhuprabha ; translated from the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang (Taishō volume 26, number 1530) by John P. Keenan Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2002
23 60-1, 2, 3 Three texts on consciousness only / translated from the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang (Taishō volume 31, numbers 1585,1586,1590) by Francis H. Cook Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1999
24 61-6, 76-1 The treatise on the elucidation of the knowable / translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 32, number 1645) by Charles Willemen . The cycle of the formation of the schismatic doctrines / translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 49, number 2031) by Tsukamoto Keishō Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2004
25 63-4 The awakening of faith attributed to Aśvaghoṣa / translated from the Chinese of Paramārtha (Taishō v. 32, no. 1666) by Yoshito S. Hakeda Reprint ed.. - Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2005
26 66-1 A comprehensive commentary on the Heart sutra (Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra) / translated from the Chinese of K'uei-chi by Heng-ching Shih ; in collaboration with Dan Lusthaus Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2001
27 73-2 The Platform sutra of the Sixth patriarch / translated from the Chinese of Tsung-pao by John R. McRae Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2000
28 73-3, 98-8, 98-4, 104-1 Zen texts California : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2005
29 74-1, 2, 3 Three chan classics Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1999
30 75 The blue cliff record / compiled by Ch'ung-hsien ; commented upon by K'o-ch'in ; translated into English by Thomas Cleary Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1998
31 76-2 The biographical scripture of King Aśoka / translated from the Chinese of Saṃghapāla (Taishō, volume 50, number 2043) by Li Rongxi Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1993
32 76-3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Lives of great monks and nuns Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2002
33 77 A biography of the Tripiṭaka master of the great Ci'en monastery of the great Tang dynasty / translated from the Chinese of Śramaṇa Huili and Shi Yancong (Taishō, volume 50, number 2053) by Li Rongxi Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1995
34 79 The great Tang dynasty record of the western regions / translated by the Tripiṭaka-master Xuanzang under imperial order ; composed by Śramaṇa Bianji of the great Zongchi monastery (Taishō, volume 51, number 2087) ; translated into English by Li Rongxi Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1996
35 93-1 Buddhist monastic traditions of Southern Asia : a record of the inner law sent home from the south seas / by Śramaṇa Yijing ; translated from the Chinese (Taishō volume 54, number 2125) by Li Rongxi Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2000
36 97-1, 2 The essentials of the Vinaya tradition / by Gyōnen ; translated from the Japanese (Taishō, volume 74, number 2348) by Leo M. Pruden . The collected teachings of the Tendai Lotus School / by Gishin ; translated from the Japanese (Taishō, volume 74, number 2366) by Paul L. Swanson Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1995
37 98-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shingon texts Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2004
38 104-2 Senchaku Hongan Nembutsu Shū : a collection of passages on the Nembutsu, chosen in the original vow / compiled by Genkū (Hōnen) (Taishō volume 83, number 2608) ; translated into English by Morris J. Augustine and Kondō Tesshō Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1997
39 The canonical book of the buddha's lengthy discourses Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2015
40 104-4 Kaimokushō or Liberation from blindness / by Nichiren ; translated from the Japanese (Taishō volume 84, number 2689) by Murano Senchū Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2000
41 104-3, 104-5 Two Nichiren texts / translated from the Japanese by Murano Senchū Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2003
42 105-2, 106-1 Tannishō : passages deploring deviations of faith / by Yuien ; translated from the Japanese (Taishō, volume 83, number 2661) by Bandō Shōjun ; in collaboration with Harold Stewart . Rennyo Shōnin ofumi : the letters of Rennyo / translated from the Japanese (Taishō, volume 74, number 2668) by Ann T. Rogers and Minor L. Rogers Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1996
43 105-1 Kyōgyōshinshō : on teaching, practice, faith, and enlightenment / by Shinran ; translated from the Japanese (Taishō volume 83, number 2646) by Inagaki Hisao Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 2003
44 107-1, 3 The essentials of the eight traditions / by Gyōnen ; translated from the Japanese by Leo M. Pruden . The candle of the latter Dharma / by Saichō ; translated from the Japanese by Robert Rhodes Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research , 1994


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:BDK English Tripiṭaka series
書誌ID 1000140593
NCID BA21594428

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